Saint John’s is a diverse and welcoming Episcopal Church located in Springfield’s historic Midtown neighborhood. Part of the world-wide Anglican Communion, we are rooted in the catholic tradition. Wherever you are in your faith journey, we pray that you may find a spiritual home with us at St. John’s Church.
You are Welcome Here.

Service Resources
Our church resources are updated weekly. Check back to read the latest newsletter, weekly insert, and more. Be sure to connect to St. John’s Facebook Page to worship “LIVE” with us.

Watch on Facebook
Not able to make it in person this week? Click to connect to St. John’s Facebook Page and then click the red “LIVE” video in the left menu column. Then curl up in your favorite place with your prayer book and join us for our online worship service.
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Mass Schedule
Sung Mass: Sunday Morning at 10:30 am (also streamed live on Facebook).
Vigil Mass: Saturday at 4:00 pm
Said Mass: Wednesday at 6:00 pm
Healing Mass: Thursday at Noon