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St. Mary’s Altar Guild

The Altar Guild is responsible for preparing the sanctuary and altar for all celebrations of the Eucharist, Holy Baptism, weddings and funerals.  Duties include the cleaning and maintenance of vessels and vestments.  If you are interested in learning more about this important ministry, contact Linda Robertson.

Breakfast Club

The Breakfast Club is being reactivated beginning March 13, 2022. This is the second Sunday in March, and the Breakfast Club will be held on the second Sunday of every month as the Outreach Committee has established the first Sunday as their meeting date. We will be adjusting our procedures as the COVID situation evolves.

On Breakfast Club Sundays, there will be one service beginning at 9:45. At the initial meeting, participants will be served by the staff at their tables as opposed to the normal buffet line. The process will be adjusted accordingly as appropriate. We have the same good cooks you are used to having, and anyone can be an active volunteer by sending an email to The meal cost is $7.00 payable at the door.

The Green Team

St. John’s prides itself on “Going Green” – and you can too! Check out our “Green Team” blog and see the many different ways we’ve been going green at St. John’s, and how you can help the environment from your own home!

(Blog link to the “Green Team” blog category)

The Legacy Society

The Legacy Society of St. John’s Church was organized in 2004 to acknowledge the parishioners and friends of the parish who have made provision for St. John’s in their wills or other estate documents.

A primary reason we have a variety of ministries and a beautiful and well-maintained church to enjoy and to share with the community is the thoughtful generosity of many people in the past who chose to support the future of the parish through legacy giving.

Today, we also have an opportunity to make a commitment to the future.

Brochures with further information are available.


A small library which includes reference books, history theology, biographies and fiction is available for use of parishioners. We hold our Wednesday night adult Bible study in this space and it is available for small meetings for the parish and Diocese.

Liturgy Participants

Acolytes (adults and young people) perform a number of essential tasks at Mass. They carry the processional cross, serve as thurifers when incense is used, assist the celebrant by holding the missal during the first part of the Eucharist, and ring the Sanctus bells during the Canon of the Mass. They assist at both Sunday Masses and also serve at the weekday liturgies, as well as at funerals and weddings.

Lectors read the first lesson (and the psalm at the 8:00 a.m. Eucharist on Sundays and at low Mass during the week) and lead the Prayers of the People.

Eucharistic Ministers are licensed by the Bishop to distribute Holy Communion at Mass. When they function as sub-deacons, they read the Epistle and help prepare the altar.

For further information, please contact Skip Sage or John Svagera.

Memorial Committee

The Saint John’s Episcopal Church Memorial Committee is responsible for receiving and administering memorial funds and personal property received by the parish. It first considers all purchases to be made from the funds received by the committee. Upon approval by the committee’s majority vote, the proposed new memorial gift is submitted to both the rector and vestry for concurrent approval. Any funds received as memorial gifts are recorded and acknowledged by cards sent to the family of the deceased and to the donors.

The committee is also responsible for maintaining the Memorial Garden and for providing appropriate memorial plaques pertaining to generous memorial gifts and the names of those buried in the Garden.

The Shepherd’s Group

The primary mission of the Shepherd’s Group is to provide receptions of food and hospitality in the St. John’s parish hall following a funeral. At the request of families we can provide a small reception of refreshments or a luncheon for the attendees of the a memorial service at the church.

Currently, there are two dozen volunteers who are willing to help prepare food and beverages on short notice.  Since its inception, the group has served many families by donating time, talent and food.

The Shepherd’s Group is dependant on donations to accomplish this service ministry. If you are interested in being a part of, or giving to this important ministry, contact Janice Hancock, coordinator.

St. Claire’s Guild

Stewardship Committee

Saint John’s has a standing Stewardship Committee which meets monthly and coordinates a year-round stewardship program and the annual fall campaign.


What is an Usher?

An usher is a doorkeeper who meets and greets people. He/she is God’s public relations officer and represents the church to every visitor, first-timer, and congregation member. He/she is to keep the door, meet the needs of the people, and welcome them into the presence of the Lord. We have only one opportunity to make a first impression.

The ushers at Saint John’s are a group of dedicated men and women who serve on Sundays, for weekday Masses, funerals, special services and at the times when a member of our congregation needs us. These individuals all take pride in the ministry of being an usher; being the best that Saint John’s has to offer to those who come to our doors and showing the warmth that is Saint John’s to all of those who come into our church.

We are proud have both women and men taking on ushering as part of their ministry. We are always looking for those who want a ministry in the church. If you have thought about ushering, please let Father David or David Westervelt, Head Usher, know.

We remember that our work is just part of this community called St. John’s Episcopal Church.

 A Poem by Raymond A. Foss.

“The Usher”

Leading us to our seats,
watching the congregation,
caring for the flock
from the back of the sanctuary,
from the aisles,
sharing the joy of worship
the community of believers
one bulletin, one smile,
one greeting, one handshake
at a time.

Join us for Saturday 4:00 pm and/or Sunday services 10:30 am (FB). Coming soon: September, The Breakfast Club Brunch following the 10:30 am only Mass.