Welcome to St. John’s Episcopal Church
Sharing Christ with neighbors far and near
Our church resources are updated weekly. Continually come back to download and read the latest newsletter, weekly insert, and more. If you’re watching from home, be sure to connect to St. John’s Facebook Page to watch “LIVE” with us.
Rector Search Prayer
Almighty God, who knows the needs of this parish, look graciously on the people of St. John’s.
Bless and guide the hearts and minds of the Search Committee, Vestry, and all concerned in our
search for a new rector so that we may receive a faithful priest who will care for your people and
equip us for our ministries. We pray for the gifts of listening, patience, wisdom, and trust so that
we may discern your will, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Christmas 2024
Dear People of St. John’s,
A parishioner recently said to me, “I don’t know what I’d have done without my church. So many at St. John’s have been … well, amazing.” This person was commenting on the care and practical support received leading to, during and after a significant illness.
That simple moment of gratitude illustrates a broader principle well worth pondering. One may be “spiritual” on one’s own … but the best of our experiences in the church typically rely on who we are and what we do together.
Seeing a connection between our best moments together in the church today and the birth of Jesus over 2000 years ago is, I believe, not only feasible but worthwhile. Both can (and, perhaps, should) be seen as incarnations … instances of how God’s very nature and character are revealed in the world by way of flesh and blood.
My first draft of this letter included a listing of moments and achievements at St. John’s that could be seen as incarnations. But of more value may be those that you can take a moment to recall, and to give thanks for, in your own mind and heart. As you might imagine, I’m also praying that all of us will begin 2025 with curiosity, anticipation and hope about new revelations of God amongst us, new incarnations … in the year ahead and beyond.
May God in Christ richly bless you and all those whom you love, and all whom you are called to serve in God’s name, in this holy season and always.
The Rev. Ronald D. Keel
Interim Rector
St. John’s Welcomes You
St. John’s News
Catch up on the latest happenings at St. John’s and The Episcopal Church. If you’re interested in learning more about our outreach programs, reach out to our Rector for more information.
Watch on Facebook
Not able to make it in person this week? Click to connect to St. John’s Facebook Page and then click the red “LIVE” video in the left menu column. Then curl up in your favorite place with your prayer book and join up for our online worship service.
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Sunday Services
Join us for Saturday 4:00 pm and/or Sunday services 10:30 am (FB). Coming soon: September, The Breakfast Club Brunch following the 10:30 am only Mass.