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Adult Bible Study

Proverbs: “Common Sense” or Culture Clash?

The Book of Proverbs, a compilation of wisdom sayings found in the Old Testament, will be the topic for the Wednesday Bible Study which follows Mass and dinner. Proverbs are part of a long tradition of wise or pithy sayings which may reflect a particular situation but more often address human life in a more general way. Many of the sayings in Proverbs are easily recognized, often quoted, and seem to be good “common sense.” They are applicable to a variety of situations and are as relevant today as they have been for many centuries. Other proverbs, however, are more obviously reflective of a different time and culture.

All adults are welcome.

Adult Forum

The Adult Forum, which meets between Sunday Masses, is an opportunity to learn about and discuss the lectionary readings and other topics. Dr. Victor Matthews leads the Forum.

All are welcome for the Vigil Mass on Saturday at 4:00 pm and

Sung Mass on Sunday Morning at 10:30 am (also streamed live on facebook).

Wednesday Said Mass at 6pm

Thursday Healing Mass at Noon