The Search for our 20th Rector
On September 27, 2024, St. John’s began the process of calling its 20th rector. This process is ongoing, as we discern and pray for inspiration in connecting our congregants with a faithful priest to guide and assist us in sharing the light of Christ. Please return to this page for future updates and the parish Profile
Rector Search Prayer
Lord of abundant love, Creator of all that is good and provider of all our needs, who has always raised up prophets and priests to lead your people, foremost of all, Christ the Good Shepherd. You have enlivened and surprised your people by the Holy Spirit and know better than we do the needs of this parish
Bless and guide the hearts and minds of the search committee, the vestry, and the parish granting us the gifts of wisdom, discernment, listening, trust, and mutual regard that we might be led to to a faithful priest who will care for your people and equip us for our collective journey, guiding us closer to you through liturgy and service. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.